Gospel Culture Workshop

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Gospel Culture Workshop

The gospel of grace has been extended to us, through Jesus, as the primary means to our salvation and plays a key role in our spiritual growth as Christians. How does this gospel powerfully shape us so the grace, truth, and peace of Jesus Christ are the defining characteristics we embody as individuals permeating the culture of our relationships, families, and churches, while ultimately impacting our communities and beyond? Our “Gospel Culture Workshop”, was a special one-day training event taught by Shaun Garman, Vice President of Development of Acts 29 Global. Shaun was a business entrepreneur for 12 years before entering into the pastorate. Since then he has planted and pastored churches in Portland, Oregon and Ventura, California. He currently serves the Acts 29 Network as the Associate Network Director. Shaun has been married to Daisy for 30 years. They have 7 children and recently welcomed their 4th grandchild into the family. Shaun is passionate about Jesus, family, the Dodgers, surfing, fish tacos, film and learning from people that like none of those things. Session 1 | Sainthood Session 2 | Brother & Sisterhood Session 3 | Neighborhood